Promoting sustainable practices for credibility in your business

We take pride in implementing sustainable practices throughout our operations.

As a corporate client, you will also receive our annual Sustainability Report.

Farm to bean

All our coffees are sourced from origins where sustainability, as well as the remuneration to the grower, is as fair and equitable as possibly can be. We are deeply involved in all matters pertaining to ensuring that we only source premium coffee beans from suppliers and organizations that have a proven and verified method of supporting and assisting the people that are at the beginning of the supply chain, namely the growers and their families. We supply fair trade as well as rain-forest alliance certified coffee beans to all our customers and our partners regularly visit the bean sources to ensure the quality and standard we demand is met.

Learn More About our coffee supplier


We deliver our machines as well as our beans to ensure that we are as carbon light as we can be. We will research the most efficient way to meet these operational changes.


All our coffee bean packaging to recyclable and biodegradable bags that remain affordable as well. We are experimenting with the use of an aluminum material that has shown great results overseas.


Coffee machines

We are constantly on the lookout for the latest, most energy-efficient, and sustainable coffee machines available. Our staff regularly attends trade fairs and conferences to ensure their knowledge is as up to date as possible in this regard. Over the next twelve months, we hope to be operating with most of our customer base using energy-efficient coffee machines.